Custom Interface for SEI
Created a custom data interface for SEI's point to point interface by utilizing the generic Axys interface, and creating the necessary transaction mappings for SEI.
InfoSystems Integrated, Inc.
225 Franklin Street - 26th Fl.
Boston, MA 02110
Tel: 617-720-3400
Fax: 617-720-3525
This work log details selected products, projects, experience and events we have participated in since we started working with investment advisors over twenty years ago. It is meant to be an informal, but informative accounting of what we do for our clients. Many of these solutions are still in use today. However, some have been replaced by solutions that we created later.
Created a custom data interface for SEI's point to point interface by utilizing the generic Axys interface, and creating the necessary transaction mappings for SEI.
Created custom fixed income reports in Axys to simplify bond ratings to client's specifications. In this case, the fixed income managers didn't like the ratings. Upon request the standard ratings were mapped to those preferred by the client.
Encore enables users to customize and package multiple reports from from Axys, APX, Office Applications, et cetera via PDF file format. As files are created the information is stored in a table which can be referenced later to bring frequently used report packages up quickly and easily.
PQ Check is an Excel spreadsheet with macros that enable PQ Check to populate Axys, or APX performance data for a given time period, group, and set of asset classes. Significant flows are taken into account as each month end performance figure is calculated. PQ Check also color codes each Excel cell red, or green based on whether market value requirements, and other composite requirements are met. The result is the ability to view and audit several years of performance data at a glance. This is an important tool for those who build, and need to do quality control on their composites.
ERMA creates a comprehensive account summary with tables, charts and graphs by collecting data from several Axys reports via a system of scripts, macros and custom reports. Once the data has been collected, reports are generated via Excel and Visual Basic. Reports that were previously created manually can be generated in seconds with ERMA.
Created a program to automate Axys group creation and updates based on a combination of labels.
Created a program to convert all IM1 files to Axys format. The conversion program was originally created to convert a client with over 1500 portfolios, and 600,000 transactions. This program has been utilized successfully for other clients.
Created label replicator to take labels from Axys client files, and add them to performance files.
Occasionally, Axys, or the workstation Axys is running on locks up while editing, or creating files. These unexpected exception result in the creation of lock files related to licenses and other data files. This program searches all directories in and below the Axys root directory to find lock files. Once the lock files have been found they can be selected, and deleted.